Cream of Asparagus Soup

Time to Prepare:  45 Minutes

Vegetarian (contains Heavy Cream)

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1 x Bunch of fresh Asparagus

½ x White Onion

2 x Small Potatoes

1 Cup x Heavy Cream

3-4 Tablespoons x Butter

4 Cups – Water

Salt and Pepper to Taste


Boil 4 cups of water in a pot to make broth from the inedible asparagus ends.

To best trim the Asparagus (separating the edible tips from the inedible stems), bend the Asparagus, and find where it naturally breaks, naturally dividing the inedible stems from the edible tips.  Use that measurement to cut the rest of the batch of Asparagus ends.  Put the inedible stems into the pot of boiling water to make the Asparagus broth.

Cut the stems into roughly ¾” pieces, though all will be blended, so the exact size of each piece won’t matter in the end.  Save a few better-looking tops (tips) to use for garnishing.

Chop the onion into bite size pieces, though they too will ultimately be blended, so exact size doesn’t matter.

Put the butter, except 1 tablespoon, into a medium-sized pot (to eventually also hold 4+ cups of water), saving 1 tablespoon of butter for adjusting later.  Sauté (pan fry) the onions in the butter on medium to medium-high heat until the onions are translucent.  Add a few pinches of Salt with the onions as they sauté in the butter to speed up the cooking process.  Add a few pinches of Black Pepper too for flavor.

While onions pan fry in the butter, peel and chop the potatoes into roughly 1/3” squares; exact chop size doesn’t matter because potatoes will be blended later.  Add the potatoes to the sautéing onions.  Potatoes should need about 5 to 7 minutes to cook exterior surfaces to a golden-brown color (that’s for flavor, they’re not fully-cooked yet).  Season with pinches of Salt and Pepper as you go so salt and pepper properly incorporate into flavors, and won’t taste like they were just thrown on-top at the end.

The broth should be sufficiently cooked after 10 to 15 minutes of boiling.  Remove the inedible Asparagus ends out of the water, saving the green-tinted broth in the pot.

When the potatoes tint golden-brown (after about 5 minutes), add the four cups of the green-tinted asparagus broth into the pot and bring to a boil.  Continue cooking the potatoes until they’re fully cooked, approximately 7 minutes.  Additional water may be need to maintain liquid texture.  Check to confirm potatoes are fully cooked, a knife or fork should easily get to the center.  If potatoes are fully-cooked, add the chopped edible asparagus (except the tips held-off for garnishment).  Continue cooking about 5 more minutes.

Make sure asparagus is cooked, and if so, turn down the heat and blend.  After fully blended, add the heavy cream and stir.  Add Salt or Pepper if needed.

Serve and garish with the asparagus tips and drops of heavy cream.  Enjoy!

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